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Linear with suspension for the center. They are beam structures made of channels, reinforced with linings made of sheet material. The upper beam is equipped with a suspension for the hook, on the lower there are suspensions for slings and lifting devices. The traverse is attached to lifting mechanisms by means of a kerchief with an eye or suspension. Since the traverse is attached directly to the working body of the crane, this allows you to use the entire useful height when lifting the load, while it is necessary to center the load in order to avoid overhanging the load on one side when lifting.

Linear with two attachment points are most convenient when lifting and transporting goods with an unknown or displaced center of gravity relative to the vertical axis. For bulky cargo, such as railway wagons, river and sea vessels, it is recommended to use a pair of traverse.

H-shaped. Designed for lifting and moving bulky loads that require fastening for 4 points, in conditions of cramped dimensions in height. They are used when working with cargo such as containers, ships, sheet steel, building structures, pipes, etc., for this they are equipped with a flexible element (slings) and cargo handling devices. Quite often, traverses of this type are used on tow trucks to lift cars.

Framed. They are used for lifting and moving bulky loads with a 4-point attachment, in conditions of increased requirements for the weight of the lifting device. It is widely used in the construction, oil and gas, railway, and marine industries for lifting and moving containers and ships.

Price list


All SAMSON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SAMSON: textile slings, ribbon, round-row, chain, rope, with equalizing blocks, soft mounting towels, grips
  • Slings SAMSON
    STP, STK, 1ST, 2ND, 4TH, etc.
  • Traverses SAMSON
    Linear, frame, etc.
  • Tali SAMSON
    TRSR, TRSHSR, HSHZ, etc.
  • Car accessories SAMSON
    Car accessories
    TBLk, TBst, TBk, Lro-1, etc.
  • Jacks SAMSON
    Screw, rack and pinion, etc.
  • Accessories SAMSON
    LK-R, LK-RO, LK-O, TK, etc.
  • Mounting systems SAMSON
    Mounting systems
    Ratchets, belts, lanyards, etc.
    KGP Kits
    For concrete rings, etc.
  • Cranes SAMSON
    Bridge, cantilever, etc.
  • Blocks SAMSON
    Closed, open, etc.
  • Winches SAMSON
    LET, LM, LMm, LMCH, TL, etc.


SAMSON (Orel) has been specializing in the manufacture of high-quality and reliable lifting equipment since 2001: slings, traverses, grips, shrouds, mounting blocks and much more.
  • reliability

    All mechanisms are manufactured in strict accordance with GOST, RD, TU. The company has all the necessary certificates of conformity.
  • control

    SAMSON has its own production workshops and warehouses, direct channels for the supply of components from Russia and foreign countries.
  • confidence

    The company's manufactured goods successfully pass not only mandatory, but also additional quality checks at the customer's request.

Information Board SAMSON

Learn more about our products SAMSON.
  • Price list for SAMSON equipment поставщика САМСОН
    Price list for SAMSON equipment
  • SAMSON equipment catalog из каталога САМСОН
    SAMSON equipment catalog
  • SAMSON product Catalog производства САМСОН
    SAMSON product Catalog
  • Questionnaire for a suspended traverse. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for a suspended traverse.
  • A questionnaire for a spatial traverse with a suspension for the center. завода САМСОН
    A questionnaire for a spatial traverse with a suspension for the center.
  • Questionnaire for the H-shaped traverse. изготовителя САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the H-shaped traverse.
  • Questionnaire for the frame traverse. бренда САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the frame traverse.
  • Questionnaire for the bridge support crane. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the bridge support crane.
  • Questionnaire for overhead overhead crane. завода САМСОН
    Questionnaire for overhead overhead crane.
  • Questionnaire for the cantilever crane. в магазине САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the cantilever crane.
  • Questionnaire for cable-stayed traction. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for cable-stayed traction.


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