Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Single-girder bridge cranes are used for installation, loading and unloading operations in all industries. Operation of cranes of this type is possible indoors, as well as in open areas under a canopy. A support crane, as well as a suspended one, can be with a manual or electric type of drive.

Single-girder overhead overhead cranes can be used in all industries as lifting devices. Depending on the work performed, it is necessary to choose a crane of the appropriate lifting capacity, span length and lifting height of the load. When choosing a model, you need to decide on the type of drive, it can be manual or electric.

Cantilever cranes on a support are designed for lifting and moving loads within a given zone. Most often cranes of this type are used in the machine-building, construction industry, warehouse facilities, with a high intensity of work within a single production site or on limited production sites.

Wall-mounted cantilever cranes are used for lifting and moving loads within a given area with a height restriction. With the help of cranes of this type, work is carried out on the maintenance of personnel places in production and warehouses.

Gantry cranes (mobile) are used in production in cases where the use of overhead, cantilever or other cranes and lifting devices is impossible or not advisable. As a rule, these are small production and storage facilities, and it is also possible to use the crane in open areas with a flat and hard surface.

Construction rotary cranes are designed for lifting, lowering and sectoral movement of cargo suspended on a hook during construction, repair and loading and unloading operations at sites not equipped with load-bearing structures for fastening lifting mechanisms, and in warehouses in the absence of stationary lifting equipment and forklifts.

The taps in the window are an analogue of the widespread Shabashnik devices. They are used on construction sites for lifting loads without involving tower or truck cranes. Cranes in the window are designed for lifting and lowering cargo on platforms that are not equipped with load-bearing structures for fastening lifting mechanisms.

Construction cranes KSP-320, KL-3, Pioneer, Craftsman. Cranes of the type KSP-320, KL-3 and Pioneer are used in the construction of buildings and structures for lifting and moving loads to a height within the radius of the boom departure by 360 ° around the vertical axis. Cranes of this type are lifting mechanisms that are mounted directly at the place of operation, with the installation of the crane on the ground or on the ceiling of the building. The stability of the crane during operation is ensured with the help of counterloads. The construction Craftsman lift is designed for lifting loads and then moving them inside the openings of buildings and structures, as well as lifting construction materials onto the roof.

Cranes-beams for the loader. The design of these cranes makes it possible to extend the fork lift of the loader or leave it unchanged, that is, attach the hook directly to the fork. The crane is ready to work immediately after attaching it to the forklift forks.

Reloading tripods are designed for lifting, holding and lowering loads (above or below the installation surface of the tripod base) during construction and installation and lifting and transport operations.

Price list


All SAMSON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SAMSON: textile slings, ribbon, round-row, chain, rope, with equalizing blocks, soft mounting towels, grips
  • Slings SAMSON
    STP, STK, 1ST, 2ND, 4TH, etc.
  • Traverses SAMSON
    Linear, frame, etc.
  • Tali SAMSON
    TRSR, TRSHSR, HSHZ, etc.
  • Car accessories SAMSON
    Car accessories
    TBLk, TBst, TBk, Lro-1, etc.
  • Jacks SAMSON
    Screw, rack and pinion, etc.
  • Accessories SAMSON
    LK-R, LK-RO, LK-O, TK, etc.
  • Mounting systems SAMSON
    Mounting systems
    Ratchets, belts, lanyards, etc.
    KGP Kits
    For concrete rings, etc.
  • Cranes SAMSON
    Bridge, cantilever, etc.
  • Blocks SAMSON
    Closed, open, etc.
  • Winches SAMSON
    LET, LM, LMm, LMCH, TL, etc.


SAMSON (Orel) has been specializing in the manufacture of high-quality and reliable lifting equipment since 2001: slings, traverses, grips, shrouds, mounting blocks and much more.
  • reliability

    All mechanisms are manufactured in strict accordance with GOST, RD, TU. The company has all the necessary certificates of conformity.
  • control

    SAMSON has its own production workshops and warehouses, direct channels for the supply of components from Russia and foreign countries.
  • confidence

    The company's manufactured goods successfully pass not only mandatory, but also additional quality checks at the customer's request.

Information Board SAMSON

Learn more about our products SAMSON.
  • Price list for SAMSON equipment поставщика САМСОН
    Price list for SAMSON equipment
  • SAMSON equipment catalog из каталога САМСОН
    SAMSON equipment catalog
  • SAMSON product Catalog производства САМСОН
    SAMSON product Catalog
  • Questionnaire for a suspended traverse. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for a suspended traverse.
  • A questionnaire for a spatial traverse with a suspension for the center. завода САМСОН
    A questionnaire for a spatial traverse with a suspension for the center.
  • Questionnaire for the H-shaped traverse. изготовителя САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the H-shaped traverse.
  • Questionnaire for the frame traverse. бренда САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the frame traverse.
  • Questionnaire for the bridge support crane. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the bridge support crane.
  • Questionnaire for overhead overhead crane. завода САМСОН
    Questionnaire for overhead overhead crane.
  • Questionnaire for the cantilever crane. в магазине САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the cantilever crane.
  • Questionnaire for cable-stayed traction. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for cable-stayed traction.


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