Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

KGPS for lifting concrete rings are a ready-made solution that does not require additional components. It consists of a chain sling of type 3SC with a length of 1.5 m and three grippers of type ZBKV (ZBKo). The grippers allow you to work with rings with a diameter of up to 2m and a wall thickness of 40 to 140 mm. The gripper is an eccentric type device with a movable presser foot. The working bodies of the gripper create a significant contact load during lifting, preventing the cargo from slipping out.

KGP for lifting staircases are sets of slings with a pair of grips for staircases and is designed for mounting a ladder march with a given angle of inclination.The set includes rope slings of type 4SK with a length of 2.5 m and additional slings of 1SK with a length of 1.0 m, with the help of which the mounting angle of the march is set. The design of the grippers allows them to be quickly installed and removed, while ensuring an appropriate level of safety and reliability of cargo fixation. Additionally, you can adjust the angle of inclination of the staircase by installing grips on a particular step.

KGP for lifting sheet metal. The elements of the kits are selected in such a way as to provide the necessary lifting capacity, the minimum lifting height while observing the optimal and safe angle between the branches of the slings, as well as the minimum deflection of the sheet during lifting and transportation.

KGPS for lifting sandwich panels are designed for turning, lifting and moving soft panels to the storage or installation site. Sets of devices allow you to work with panels from 50 to 250 mm thick and up to 12 meters long. The kits include traverses and a pair of ZSTu grips with suspension on slings.

KGP for lifting containers. The easiest way to move the container is to use a crane using a linear traverse with slings. This type of construction is much cheaper than its analogues, but requires manual installation of grips in the fittings of the container. The delivery package includes a linear traverse, slings (type of slings at the customer's choice) and universal high-strength grips for container fittings.

Price list


All SAMSON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SAMSON: textile slings, ribbon, round-row, chain, rope, with equalizing blocks, soft mounting towels, grips
  • Slings SAMSON
    STP, STK, 1ST, 2ND, 4TH, etc.
  • Traverses SAMSON
    Linear, frame, etc.
  • Tali SAMSON
    TRSR, TRSHSR, HSHZ, etc.
  • Car accessories SAMSON
    Car accessories
    TBLk, TBst, TBk, Lro-1, etc.
  • Jacks SAMSON
    Screw, rack and pinion, etc.
  • Accessories SAMSON
    LK-R, LK-RO, LK-O, TK, etc.
  • Mounting systems SAMSON
    Mounting systems
    Ratchets, belts, lanyards, etc.
    KGP Kits
    For concrete rings, etc.
  • Cranes SAMSON
    Bridge, cantilever, etc.
  • Blocks SAMSON
    Closed, open, etc.
  • Winches SAMSON
    LET, LM, LMm, LMCH, TL, etc.


SAMSON (Orel) has been specializing in the manufacture of high-quality and reliable lifting equipment since 2001: slings, traverses, grips, shrouds, mounting blocks and much more.
  • reliability

    All mechanisms are manufactured in strict accordance with GOST, RD, TU. The company has all the necessary certificates of conformity.
  • control

    SAMSON has its own production workshops and warehouses, direct channels for the supply of components from Russia and foreign countries.
  • confidence

    The company's manufactured goods successfully pass not only mandatory, but also additional quality checks at the customer's request.

Information Board SAMSON

Learn more about our products SAMSON.
  • Price list for SAMSON equipment поставщика САМСОН
    Price list for SAMSON equipment
  • SAMSON equipment catalog из каталога САМСОН
    SAMSON equipment catalog
  • SAMSON product Catalog производства САМСОН
    SAMSON product Catalog
  • Questionnaire for a suspended traverse. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for a suspended traverse.
  • A questionnaire for a spatial traverse with a suspension for the center. завода САМСОН
    A questionnaire for a spatial traverse with a suspension for the center.
  • Questionnaire for the H-shaped traverse. изготовителя САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the H-shaped traverse.
  • Questionnaire for the frame traverse. бренда САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the frame traverse.
  • Questionnaire for the bridge support crane. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the bridge support crane.
  • Questionnaire for overhead overhead crane. завода САМСОН
    Questionnaire for overhead overhead crane.
  • Questionnaire for the cantilever crane. в магазине САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the cantilever crane.
  • Questionnaire for cable-stayed traction. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for cable-stayed traction.


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