Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Screw jacks belong to the group of the simplest mechanisms used to lift various loads to a level usually not exceeding 1 meter. Screw jacks are simple in design and reliable in operation, the jack has compact dimensions, low own weight and easily fits in the trunk of a car.

Hydraulic jacks are used for lifting loads during installation, construction and car repair work. Bottle-type hydraulic jacks are the most common.

Rack-and-pinion jacks have found their application mainly in trucks. The main working elements of a rack-and-pinion jack are a vertical rail with teeth or holes and a pick-up. The pick-up is moved in a vertical plane by means of a swinging lever or a rotating gear, in this case the lever is replaced by a rotation handle.

Price list


All SAMSON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SAMSON: textile slings, ribbon, round-row, chain, rope, with equalizing blocks, soft mounting towels, grips
  • Slings SAMSON
    STP, STK, 1ST, 2ND, 4TH, etc.
  • Traverses SAMSON
    Linear, frame, etc.
  • Tali SAMSON
    TRSR, TRSHSR, HSHZ, etc.
  • Car accessories SAMSON
    Car accessories
    TBLk, TBst, TBk, Lro-1, etc.
  • Jacks SAMSON
    Screw, rack and pinion, etc.
  • Accessories SAMSON
    LK-R, LK-RO, LK-O, TK, etc.
  • Mounting systems SAMSON
    Mounting systems
    Ratchets, belts, lanyards, etc.
    KGP Kits
    For concrete rings, etc.
  • Cranes SAMSON
    Bridge, cantilever, etc.
  • Blocks SAMSON
    Closed, open, etc.
  • Winches SAMSON
    LET, LM, LMm, LMCH, TL, etc.


SAMSON (Orel) has been specializing in the manufacture of high-quality and reliable lifting equipment since 2001: slings, traverses, grips, shrouds, mounting blocks and much more.
  • reliability

    All mechanisms are manufactured in strict accordance with GOST, RD, TU. The company has all the necessary certificates of conformity.
  • control

    SAMSON has its own production workshops and warehouses, direct channels for the supply of components from Russia and foreign countries.
  • confidence

    The company's manufactured goods successfully pass not only mandatory, but also additional quality checks at the customer's request.

Information Board SAMSON

Learn more about our products SAMSON.
  • Price list for SAMSON equipment поставщика САМСОН
    Price list for SAMSON equipment
  • SAMSON equipment catalog из каталога САМСОН
    SAMSON equipment catalog
  • SAMSON product Catalog производства САМСОН
    SAMSON product Catalog
  • Questionnaire for a suspended traverse. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for a suspended traverse.
  • A questionnaire for a spatial traverse with a suspension for the center. завода САМСОН
    A questionnaire for a spatial traverse with a suspension for the center.
  • Questionnaire for the H-shaped traverse. изготовителя САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the H-shaped traverse.
  • Questionnaire for the frame traverse. бренда САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the frame traverse.
  • Questionnaire for the bridge support crane. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the bridge support crane.
  • Questionnaire for overhead overhead crane. завода САМСОН
    Questionnaire for overhead overhead crane.
  • Questionnaire for the cantilever crane. в магазине САМСОН
    Questionnaire for the cantilever crane.
  • Questionnaire for cable-stayed traction. поставщика САМСОН
    Questionnaire for cable-stayed traction.


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